Hey you, Sunshine and thunder, Highs and lows, Peaks and valleys, You’ve flashed it all. Yet in the midst of storms, You bestowed the strength, The will to forge, To match on. You grabbed me by the arm, Shoved me behind your back. We flew past masks. Braced battlefields, Surfed against violent waves. Still, You…


It’s in everyone of us. Ingrained within the scopes of our being. The path. We know the way, We know the pact we made. Within we do. The compass sits, The internal guidance system. It’s in the hints, In the vibes we pick. In the instincts we get, It’s in the knowing, The deep knowing,…

Silence Again.

It was silence again. Beckoning unto me, Urging me on its’ footsteps Welcoming me back home,To its cosy Haven. So cought up had I been, In the noices of the World. In the clutter, In the voices in my head The busyness of this noisy world. That I had forgotten; The serenity of my own…


Was once; The glow in the dark, The hand beneath my grip The home I found a haven. Drifting slowly apart. I watch the light dim, The roses wither The petals fall, I want to reach out, And grab the final straw, Water the flower while it lives, The rose shuns me away. In the…

Mother Earth.

I would observe, The heightened love for nature, The snakes in the park Deserving a second chance. I watched, Kissing slugs Mating in the sun. The Wonder of Earth. My favorite cat, Suckling a kitten That wasn’t hers. The other trees in the park, Feeding a cut trunk. Through it’s grounded roots in Earth. Such…


Now, it’s been so long, three months I guess or four since I put up anything here. I even feared that I lost my writing abilities but well this pen has been rusty, so very thirsty and I guess it found some inspiration to spring it back to life again. Now, about Cori😂 it’s not…


Now, my life can only be described as a conscious journey. It hasn’t always been like this. I know I have done many posts before on where I have been as a person, what I have been through and how awakening saved my ass.(Forgive my language.) Today, I came across a tiny notebook I had…

The Light

Originally posted on Kulthum Boy:
Courtesy of Pinterest Whoever said there is light at the end of the tunnel was right because I can see it. Ever since I started therapy my life has really changed. I have learned so many things about myself, made shocking discoveries of parts that I never knew existed in…


I came across a post the other day that read. “If you can’t accept something of your earthly father then how can you accept it on God. ” This provoked thinking about the beliefs that people hold especially on matters religion. I am spiritual. Not religious. This means I don’t believe in separation. I believe…